Library Discovery is Changing

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The Loyola University Libraries are retiring Pegasus and WorldCat Local this summer and replacing them with a new system for search and discovery. We will keep this guide updated with all you'll need to know about the transition.

Will any services be interrupted during the transition period?

Last updated on Jul 23, 2015   


Most services should now be back to normal. Please see this page for how to request materials in the new system. If you need help, contact your circulation desk.

Just a few. You will still be able to checkout books, as usual throughout the transition.

However, between July 17th and July 22nd you will be unable to place requests for books via Pegasus. However, if you need to place a request for a books, please contact Brian Harag ( or 773.508.2634), he will coordinate sending/receiving books to the correct location.

Additionally, there will be no DVD check during that time (July 18th to July 22nd). Please contact James Conley ( or 773.508.8423) with any additional questions concerning our audiovisual collection.